Author Archives: avickers

News release on Vickers Report: Rockland County (NY) Task Force on Water Resources Management

pr Rockland Report-Vickers 30jul2015

The Rockland County (NY) Task Force on Water Resources Management released a report on the water supply status of Rockland County by Amy Vickers & Associates, Inc. The report includes a preliminary estimate of a potential 4 to 7 million gallons per day (mgd) in future demand reductions from fixing leaking pipes, conservation, and green infrastructure. The report by Amy Vickers is based on a study she conducted at the request of the Task Force following a November 2014 order by the New York State Public Service Commission.

Read the entire press release on the report from the office of Rockland County Legislator Harriet Cornell.


Chinese Translation

Now available! The Chinese translation of Handbook of Water Use and Conservation is published by China Architecture & Building Press (Beijing) and may be ordered at their website.

Version 2









“Amy Vickers Wins Water Star Award”

The coveted Water Star Award was presented to Amy Vickers by the Alliance for Water Efficiency at the October 2014 Water Smart Innovations Conference in Las Vegas. The annual award recognizes individual excellence in water efficiency. Vickers was honored for over 25 years of achievements in the water efficiency field, including for her role as having written and spearheaded the inclusion of the nation’s first water efficiency standards for plumbing fixtures in the 1992 U.S. Energy Policy Act, which has saved trillions of gallons of water in the United States over the past twenty years. “Amy has been an unfailing champion for water conservation, wise and efficient water use,” said Mary Ann Dickinson, President and CEO of the Alliance for Water Efficiency upon presentation of the award.  “Her research, analysis, advocacy and leadership has advanced the field of water conservation and educated thousands of water conservation professionals.”

Water Analytics

Water analytics are increasingly an important component of water use and demand forecasting projects, particularly for water utilities and large companies and organizations. Want to learn more about water analytics to help understand customer and facility water use? Check out AWWA’s new guidance document, “A Guide to Customer Water-User Indicators for Conservation and Financial Planning” by Amy Vickers, Mary Wyatt Tiger, and Shadi Eskaf (Oct. 2013). It is free for AWWA members. Contact us if you would like more information about the Guide and other studies that Amy has done on this topic.

Deerfield Academy’s Million Gallon Challenge

“Deerfield Academy’s Million Gallon Challenge,” presented at AWWA’s annual conference in Boston in June 2014, describes a two-phase water use efficiency evaluation completed by AVA in 2013 that is now delivering the school some impressive water demand reductions. Here are a few slides from the presentation. Contact us if you would like a pdf of the entire presentation. Continue reading